Stream of Consciousness

Monday, February 28, 2005

Is Oliver Gay?

"That's an impossibility." My face reddened. Is it really an impossibility that someone like Oliver smile at me and show a hint of interest? Why did I open my mouth? Six hours later, fresh from a nap, I resurrect the conversation snippet that occurred between my French teacher and I during class. Nosy, annoying Alicia strained hard in her seat to watch the conversation. I wonder if she knows him. Impossibility. Oh, Geremy knows, or deduces, that Oliver is homosexual. But does he really know? I wouldn't feel like such a whimsical obsessive crusher if he is in reality gay. I only mentioned my excitement about him to a handful of people. But if there exists more connections between Oliver and someone I have divulged this fantastic piece of information to, besides Geremy, then there is more of chance that it will be revealed to him that someone fancies him. And I couldn't have that for fear I would appear obsessed with him. How much safer it would be if his sexual orientation is not the same as my own.


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