Stream of Consciousness

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dear Brandon

I have decided to listen to each of your songs and email you a critique. Sound good? It won't be in depth or anything, but it will help me to systematically listen and review your music. I think part of the reason we create art (whether that be music, acting, writing, painting, etc) is to reach out to others. We want people to experience our art because it is a reflection of who we are. We want people to experience us. To showcase our art is to say, "This is who I am. Let me share myself with you." I appreciate your honesty in your music and in your personality. You don't hold yourself back. Sometimes I find myself afraid to be totally me. I fear being too different. I think when people first encounter the B-Rizzle they are initially afraid because you are totally and completely you and aren't afraid of breaking the norm. And when people are confronted with this type of bold honesty they initially fight against it because it challenges them to also break out of the mold. I have to admit, this is how I initially responded to you. But I'm glad you didn't let it faze (sp?) you. I appreciate your friendship. I always find myself feeling more comfortable (part of the reason I initially fight against it) with the "weird" or "not-normals" because I feel I am weird and not normal myself! (Perhaps that is why people are intimidated by the odd-balls because some people are too cowardly to realize the odd-ball in themselves!) I'm not sure where this email is going. I just want you to know that you are a good friend and I look forward to becoming better friends. This turned out to be a quite a philosphic letter. I like it! I want to work on more of those crypic crosswords, but I would have to start on the VERY easy level to get my mind moving. I'm afraid that nursing school has turned my brain into a nursing ooze. But soon your brain will turn into a law school ooze. That ought to be fun! I like Soduko. But not the ones generated by the computer. The ones that are hand made have a component that the computer generated ones lack. A computer can't anticipate your logic. The hand-made ones are made almost knowing or sensing what your thinking and that is poses a fantastic challenge! Oh, when school starts if you EVER need study partner please give me a call. I don't like to study a lot by myself. Its so lonely. Just (quietly) being the presence of a few others will lift my spirit enough to create a good study mood. It seems I have a lot on my mind tonight. I haven't written in my blog in a while. Perhaps, I will post this email on there. You have a good night. I'll call you tomorrow. I do have to study but I wouldn't be opposed to watching a movie, going to a used bookstore, going to the batting cages, or whatever. Night. Night.

Erin N. Giles, RN Student


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