Stream of Consciousness

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Need Your Help!

I was recently voted Newsletter Editor for the Alabama Association of Nursing Students. Along with that I was voted Reporter for the Shelton State Association of Nursing Students. I've been talking to my advisor and we really want to win the newsletter contest on the national level. We don't have enough funds to mail out these newsletters so I am going to find a sponsor. But to make a killer newsletter I am going to need some decent software. I was thinking Microsoft Publisher. I'm not going to ask either chapter (local or state) for money to foot this bill so we can pay for nursing students to go to the national conference in November.

Here is where I need your help. On the side bar of this blog you will notice a button that says "Make a Donation." I urge you to please donate any amount of money. My goal is to raise $75. I can find various deals online and get a little help from my parents. If you need any verification as to the legitimacy of this little fundraiser I would be glad to get in touch with you.

This fundraiser will end: October 12, 2005

Shelton State Community College
Alabama Association of Nursing Students
National Student Nurse Association


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