Stream of Consciousness

Monday, August 01, 2005

How To Marry the Man of Your Choice: Introduction

  1. You don't have to stay single.
  2. This book is designed for the woman who wants to have a man fall in love with her and marry her, but whose skills in obtaining the man she wants are inadequate.
  3. Bitchy women succeed with men because they make men believe that they are superior women, and that a man is lucky to have them.
  4. When a man contemplates marriage to a specific woman, he evaluates her as a prospective wife.
  5. Do not waste your emotions on a man until you determine that he is worthy of you.
  6. Recognize that you are a worthwhile individual.
  7. Be yourself, but be yourself at your best.
  8. The woman must evaluate herself against her competitors. To be successful with her man, she must know what she has to offer and be able to tell the man.
  9. At numerous points throughout this book, I urge the woman to remain silent, to encourage the man to talk. This is not meekness or coyness, but an important manipulative principle.
  10. The man you are seeking can be yours, but only if you take the initiative.
  11. Don't expect the man of your dreams to appear on your doorstep without any effort on your part.
  12. Love is too important to be left to happenstance. Don't expect magic...If you want anything else in life, you know you need to work for it...
  13. Continue the strategy only on the man you want.
  14. There is usually a large gap between what men do and what they say they do...go by behavior instead.
  15. You need to recognize when you are succeeding, especially when the man's behavior is fluctuating.
  16. Praise and criticism are a part of daily life, and essential for the person you are considering as a prospective spouse.
  17. Apply these strategies in your own personal situation.
  18. Develop your own action plan to personalize the marriage strategy.

--Margaret Kent


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