Stream of Consciousness

Monday, February 28, 2005

Meaningful Quiz #1

My Inner Hero - Warrior!

I'm a Warrior!

I'm courageous, straightforward, and charismatic. I'm a born leader, but I'm also not afraid to face danger on my own. Nothing stands between me and victory... nothing that lives to tell the tale, anyway. If you need someone to charge into battle for you, call on me.

How about you? Click here to find your own inner hero.

Is Oliver Gay?

"That's an impossibility." My face reddened. Is it really an impossibility that someone like Oliver smile at me and show a hint of interest? Why did I open my mouth? Six hours later, fresh from a nap, I resurrect the conversation snippet that occurred between my French teacher and I during class. Nosy, annoying Alicia strained hard in her seat to watch the conversation. I wonder if she knows him. Impossibility. Oh, Geremy knows, or deduces, that Oliver is homosexual. But does he really know? I wouldn't feel like such a whimsical obsessive crusher if he is in reality gay. I only mentioned my excitement about him to a handful of people. But if there exists more connections between Oliver and someone I have divulged this fantastic piece of information to, besides Geremy, then there is more of chance that it will be revealed to him that someone fancies him. And I couldn't have that for fear I would appear obsessed with him. How much safer it would be if his sexual orientation is not the same as my own.

Sunday, February 27, 2005


Oh what a long day. Overall, swell. So much on my mind, but too tired to expel it from my system. What is truly frustrating is that I already wrote this entry, but an error occurred and my words were gone. So my small masterpiece capturing the groanings issuing from my weary soul have been whisked away. It is fruitless to attempt to recount that moment, a mere 5 minutes ago. It is lost. Hence, I will answer my bed's call, inviting me to rest in its warm cotton comfort. I surrender.

Saturday, February 26, 2005


Blogger is amazing. The possibilities are endless. My eyes are dry and my butt is sore. I have been sitting at the computer for the last 3 hours. So much to explore. So much to fiddle with. It will take a while for me to fully utilize all that Blogger and Google has put before my fingertips. Exhausted, I finally except that this work of art will, like everything else, take time. Nevertheless, the obsession has begun.

Friday, February 25, 2005

The Switch

This is the third switch I have made thus far in my blogging lifetime. First, I unloaded my spirit onto the unprotected pages of Open Diary. Not only was it frequently hacked into, but it was the beginning of my frustrations dealing with pop up ads. Every freshly loaded screen cast at least three annoying advertisements that took five seconds to load. When they were all finished loading, then you could navigate the screen. At least a year went by when I noticed all my friends were using Live Journal. I decided to create an additional journal so that I could be up to date and current in their lives. After about three months my Open Diary friend informed me that her entire diary, spanning three years, was deleted. It had been hacked into and there was no way of recovering it. Quickly, I went to mine and found it empty. Thus, I became solely dedicated to Live Journal. Immediately, I had problems with this blog. It was not as user friendly to navigate and set up. It was only a matter of a month until I was used to it's format. The disappointment doesn't stop here. LJ's choice of templates were limited in their selection and friendly format. It wasn't the nicest thing to look at. My initial reason for joining LJ was the reason I left. I became paranoid about what I wrote. Having offended some of my friends, I became so nervous about everything I wrote. So much drama was created by me just being honest and open. I decided I needed a new outlet where I was more anonymous so that I could really explore my creativity and my heart. Google's Blogger was an easy choice because I have been using and loving Google's toolbar, search engines, gmail, and their other innovative services. I have made The Switch.