Stream of Consciousness

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Broken Record

Making a decision is so scary. How many times have I really made this decision only to get bogged down. I understand that being healthy is a lifestyle and I understand how this should be just as important as bathing -- a daily thing no matter what. But when I look at the commitment that requires I see nursing school and daily "stuff" getting in the way. I can't. I keep waiting for a certain moment in my life when "its the right time." But I know that that day won't come because now is the right time. How do I make this decision and actually follow through? I really understand what kind of commitment this is to myself and I don't want to fail again. I'm not talking about one day kind of slip up, but completely abandon positive proactive steps towards a more healthy lifestyle. I fail myself all the time by never finishing things. Its this decision. A real decision. Not a "I'll try." I'm talking about ok no matter what I deserve to be higher on my priority list. I'm not sure if I have the discipline or the motivation. And when I do I end up losing it. It goes back to that decision. I feel safer not making that decision but in reality I see that I am also cheating myself. I feel like my life is too scattered and disorganized. Let me just take some time to clean things up and get prepared. Prepare. Is it an excuse to avoid making the decision? See this is the root of the matter. How would one prepare to make this decision? Buy the "right" foods? Clear room in my schedule? I think I need to look into making myself a priority in my life. Here is my shortened priority list right now:
  1. God
  2. Family/Friends
  3. School
  4. Job
  5. Health

But it seems like 1, 2, and 3 switch places a lot. Right now my room and car is a mess. I haven't started working on all my French assignments or extra credit (like I planned). My grades are mediocre. I haven't filled my prescription for Ritalin yet. I have a couple books I started and I haven't finished. I haven't finished filling out the FAFSA yet. Where do I start? How am I supposed to make this decision when I can't even follow through with my other goals to make better grades, keep my room and car clean, stay on top of things, etc.? Decision. I haven't decided to do those things. I only fantasized over the ideal situation.

Monday, March 28, 2005


The last couple months I have been making mental notes of my behavior, ideas, ideals, thoughts, and attitudes. OCPD has been on my mind. I finally did some research tonight. I already suffer from OCD that is almost non-existent while on medication and I know that this differs from OCPD, but I don't know. Within the last year I become more and more of a perfectionist and I'm just concerned. And not only a perfectionist in the sense of taking notes for a class, but of sticking to rigid rules, being way to stubborn, and being very critical of myself and others. A whole way of thought. But I tend to think that because I am concerned that I might displaying personality quicks of person who has OCPD, I don't have it. If I'm correct, I think people who have OCPD are too overly wrapped up in their perfectionism and the results of that they don't think anything is wrong with them. But I only know that from this chapter my psychiatrist wanted me to read a couple years ago when I was first diagnosed with OCD to rule out OCPD. But I am insecure in that if I were to talk about this to my psychiatrist they would think I am one of those people who read about diseases and then think they have it. I did this with adult ADD. Finally, she brought it up and I admitted that I had been thinking about it, but thinking negative thoughts that the psychiatrist might have been thinking about me saying I thought I had adult ADD as well. Plus, I feel like I look like a totally hypochondriac because I take medicine for depression, OCD, and ADD. Especially the ADD. Because when people find out that I have ADD I feel like they are thinking that I really don't and am just another one of those people who take medicine for everything. But I actually try to limit my medicine. But I carry these concerns in the back of my mind and not let them take control of me because I know what my life was like before therapy (medicinal and talk).

Friday, March 25, 2005

Salvation is Free, But it is not Cheap

Author: Allen Webster

Jesus never said grace! Believe it or not, the Bible doesn't record where Jesus ever used that word. It was used of Him (Luke 2:40; John 1:14, 16, 17) but never by Him. But don't misunderstand: He taught it; He lived it: He just never said it. Then again, He said a lot about grace. We call a whole category of His stories the "grace parables." Classifications vary, but most lists include at least eight parables, including some of His most famous.

The shortest is Luke 7:41, 42: "There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly gave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?" This is Jesus' concise picture of God's voluminous grace. He sums in a few syllables what all the words combined could ever express. "He frankly forgave them both."

That's grace. Let's ascend the slope of the mountain peak doctrine of grace. The Mount Everest passage is Ephesians 2:8: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God." What does the Bible say about salvation by grace?

Salvation is Free.

Paul states it simply: "For by grace are ye saved..." The two debtors did not earn their freedom. Their canceled obligation was "a purely gratuitous act" on the creditor's part, on the ground only of their bankruptcy. Forgiveness is a river that flows out of the spring of grace: "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace" (Ephesians 1:7; I Peter 1:18, 19). Donald Barnhouse said, "Love that goes upward is worship; love that goes outward is affection; love that stoops is grace." That God can love us in spite of our sins is hardly believable. How He can forgive lifelong rebels in unfathomable. It is graceful.

"...not of yourselves..." Forgiveness is not something we may purchase or earn. We are bankrupt -- we have nothing with which to pay. To show grace is to extend favor to one who doesn't deserve it and can never pay it back. One author put it this way"

  • When we work at forty-house day and receive a fair week's pay for our time, that is a wage.
  • When we compete in athletics and receive a trophy for our performance, that is a prize.
  • When we receive recognition for long service or high achievements in business, that is an award.
  • When we are incapable of earning a wage, can win no prize, and deserve no award -- yet receive a gift anyway -- that is grace.

" is the gift of God..." We cannot make salvation works-centered and man-centered. It is grace-centered and God-centered. There is no "do-it-yourself-and-get-the-glory" plan in Christianity. The emphasis is on what God does for us, not what we do for God. The little wheels run by man's faith and the big wheels by God's grace. When David Lipscomb was an old man on campus, a student asked, "Upon what do you base your hope of salvation?" Without hesitation he said, "Upon the grace and the mercy of God." That's the only hope any of us have. Grace is getting what we need (heaven) instead of what we deserve (hell).

Gore Vidal's book, Lincoln, tells of the president and his advisors discussing life after the war. It was evident the North would win, so they asked how he planned to deal with the South. Lincoln said, "I will treat them as if they never left." That's grace. It is exactly what the f(F)ather did for a skinny, humbled prodigal boy coming home from a long summer trip (Luke 15:20-24). "As if he never left," he regained his place in the family (ring), his dignity (robe), his freedom (shoes), and his support (fatted calf).

Salvation is Costly.

The creditor in the parable took a loss. He paid the debtors tabs. Salvation is a "gift of God" -- a gift that cost Him dearly. It cost Jesus His life on the cross; He purchased it "with his own blood" (Acts 20:28). No one in that banquet hall (when Jesus told the parable) knew how much it cost Jesus to say to that woman, "They sins are forgiven." Picture Him on the cross with bloody thorns lacerating His scalp, with darkening bruises on His face, with inflamed whip stripes on His back, and with nails protruding from disfigured hands and feet. Hear Him call for water and listen to His agonized plea: "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?" Why is He going through with Golgotha? Because He told that prostitute she could be forgiven (and because He promised us, too). Salvation is free to us, but it was not cheap to Him

Salvation is Conditional.

Some dangerous heresies are circulating about grace. They are so ugly they probably make the angels blush. A boy asked one preacher, "Sir, what can I do to be saved?" The preacher replied, "Son, you're too late." "What!" exclaimed the boy, "I'm too late to be saved?" "No, you're too late to do anything. Jesus already did it all two thousand years ago."

It's strange that Peter didn't know that. When he was asked on Pentecost, "What shall we do?" (Acts 2:37), he did not say, "You're too late. Jesus did it all fifty days ago on the cross. There is nothing for you to do." Instead, the Holy Spirit instructed him to say, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (2:38). There was something for these believers to do to be saved. The historian continues, "And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation" (2:40). "Save themselves?" In what sense? Certainly not in earning salvation but in simply meeting God's terms.

Paul wrote more books of the New Testament than any other write; predictably, he also said the most about grace. He used the word 99 of the 131 times it occurs. In all those references Paul never once said salvation was unconditional or by grace only. How did Paul understand salvation by grace through faith when he was saved? He asked on that Damascus road, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do" (Acts 9:6)? Surely Paul misunderstood. He should have known that grace only through faith alone is all that's necessary, and that "doing" something would mean he was trying to save himself. Surely Jesus corrected him. No, the Lord answered, "Arise, and go into the city and it shall be told thee what though must do" (Acts 9:6).

Maybe Saul misunderstood, but unquestionably the most inspired preacher would clarify things. Ananias brough Saul this command: "And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord" (Acts 22:16). Paul had been a believer for three days, yet still had sins to be washed away. He did not argue that baptism was unessential to his salvation; instead, he "arose, and was baptized" (Acts 9:18).

Did Paul later disavow what he did, admitting shamefully that he tried to merit salvation by doing good works? No, he continued talking of the "obedience of faith" (Romans 1:5; 6:17, 18; 16:26) and of "faith which worketh by love" (Galatians 5:6). He linked grace and obedience together (Titus 2:11, 12) and urged Christians to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12). He discussed the neccessity of obeying the truth (Romans 2:8; Galatians 3:1), obeying the Gospel (Romans 10:16), and obeying Christ (Hebrews 5:8, 9). These were all a part of the certified Gospel (Galatians 1:6-10).

What, then, does "not of works, lest any man should boast"(Ephesians 2:9) mean? Did Paul contradict his other statements? Did the Holy Spirit tell Paul one thing and James another (" works a man is justified, and not by faith only," 2:24)? No, two different kinds of works are considered. Works of merit differ from works of obedience. It is one thing to try to get to heaven by doing good works; it is another to humbly submit to God's commands. We avail ourselves to God's grace by meeting the conditions He attached to it. Do we earn it? No. Do we deserve it? No. He gives it away. But He only gives it to those who respect His will enough to do what He asks of them. He is "the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him" (Hebrews 5:9).

God's forgiveness is not automatic; we can reject grace. In 1830, George Wilson was arrested for mail theft and sentenced to be hanged. President Andrew Jackson eventually gave him a pardon -- but he refused to accept it. The authorities were puzzled; should Wilson be freed or hanged? They consulted Chief Justice John Marshall, who handed down this decision: "A pardon is a slip of paper, the value of which is determined by the acceptance of the person to be pardoned. If it is refused, it is no pardon. George Wilson must be hanged."

In the Letter to the Romans, Paul declared that "the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (6:23). Similarly, he wrote: "For by grace are you is the gift of God..." (Ephesians 2:8). Many read these precious words and, focusing upon the term "gift," conclude that redemption must be wholly dependent upon God, and that man is without responsibility in his salvation. What these fail to realize is that a "gift" can be conditional, without there being any meritorious effort by the recipient. Consider these passages:

God promised to give the city of Jericho to Israel (Joshua 6:1). Not the verb "given" in Joshua 6:2, 16. They did not receive the victory until after they had completed their obedience to the divine instructions for taking the city (6:20; Hebrews 11:30)

In the perilous voyage to Rome, when Paul and his shipmates appeared to be in danger of losing their lives, an angel spoke to the apostle and said: "Fear not, Paul; you must stand before Caesar: and lo, God has granted [given] you all them that sail with you" (Acts 27:24). Yet, this gift was not unconditional for Paul warned the soldiers, "Except these abide in the ship, you cannot be saved" (27:31). Even so, though salvation is God's gift, "Except one be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (John 3:5). Obedience to the Word is essential for salvation.

Jesus taught that we are not to work primarily for the bread which perishes; rather, we are to work "for the food which abides unto eternal life, which the Son of man shall give unto you" (John 6:27). This context makes it clear that working the works of God (obeying His will), and receiving His gift of salvation, are not mutually exclusive. They complement one another.

At the height of his fame, Dwight L. Moody visited the owner of a large orchard. The host informed Moody that he was to make himself perfectly at home. Explaining that everything on the farm was at the guest's disposal, he said, "Mr. Moody, if there is anything in the orchard that you would like to have, it is already yours, just take it." Moody commented on his experience later: "When I wanted an apple, I did not go to an apple tree and pray than an apple would fall into my pocket, but I walked to the tree and took the apple that I wanted. It was already mine."

You and I must accept God's pardon. And we must accept it on His terms. Jesus taught that one should hear His Word (John 6:44; Romans 10:17), believe in His deity (John 3:16; 8:24), repent of sins (Luke 13:3, 5), confess faith in Him (Matthew 10:32, 33), and be baptized for forgiveness of sins (Mark 16:16). If you have never believed, trusted, and obeyed Christ, don't procrastinate. Accept His invitation to grace.

Jesus says a lot about grace -- for someone who never said it.

House to House/ Heart to Heart

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


"(Romans 8:28-30) The glorified are the justified; the justified are the called; and, the called are the predestined. Note especially that the called are the predestined. But, who are the called? They are the ones who love God (Romans 8:28). And, those who love God keep his commandments (John 14:15). Therefore, the predestined are those who obey God!"

[Life Changing Studies With an Open Bible, "God's 'Supremes'", Wendell Winkler, 2005]

Meaningful Quiz #9

Former Incarnation: Al Capone

Aliases: Biggie, Mugsy, Vinny, Chunko, Bunto, Killer,Claws, The Predator, Meanie, Feathers
Description: Subject is known murderer, and has taste for the blood of birds and small rodents. Although known for rough behavior, subject always remains well groomed and wearing immaculately tailored coat. Fur may be illegally imported from Italy. Probably has scars. Runs catnip ring, and extorts cat food from others. May meow with slight Brooklyn accent. Prefers to stay in its own neighborhood, but strays into other areas at night. Fearless defender of the homestead from all invading squirrels or mice. Does not give a hoot about other cats, and will attack just for kicks. Good for a quick cuddle, but do not push this cat too far. Protective eyewear suggested. Ankle injury likely upon meeting subject. Has earned a degree in creative shredding of valuables. Loves gangster movies.

Brought to you by Tickle

Monday, March 21, 2005


I want to help that fish off the hook, but when it won't let me help -- that is when I want to tear it off the hook. I get so frustrated with selfishness. I really have to hold my tongue because I would love nothing more than to just let 'em have it. I thank my God for the Christians who understand what it takes to contend for the faith and strengthen each other. Because the ones who think this life is for them to spend as they please are in for a rude awakening. I just hope that happens before the judgment.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Meaningful Quiz #8

Of course you're out to win the big event! You've got a competitive spirit and a drive to succeed that's gonna take you to the top in whatever you do. But that doesn't mean that you don't pay close attention to the people around you. Sure, they're competitors, but they're also friends and colleagues. And you, more than others, recognize that everything you do and everyone you meet provides a chance to learn and grow.You're a generous and upbeat spirit who expects the best from yourself and tries to find the best in others. Quick with a helping hand, the positive energy you radiate is what connects you with people — in or out of the spotlight.

Brought to you by Tickle

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Noon Excitement

I was heading to The Ferg, when I saw a sign that said, "Recording Studio." Curious, I decided to check it out. Oh my goodness, it was a Mobile CD Recording Studio! At once I inquired of the cost and was thrilled when I was informed that it was FREE and that I would get a copy of the song I would sing on CD! Quickly, I thumbed through the booklet to find the song that I knew by heart and have had no trouble belting out -- Shania Twain's "From This Moment On." While I waited until it was my turn to record my song, Antonio walked in -- only I knew him as the guy from France that came into Alabama Express trying to find cotton pants. I stopped him with a sweet, "Bonjour!" He was delighted to see me trying to speak French with him. He then proceeded to ask me to eat lunch with him, in English. Sad to say, but by the time I finally got my CD I only had 20 minutes left to eat. So, I apologized to Antonio, got his email address, and grabbed a sub, chips, and drink from Blimpie. I was on my way to my chemistry class. Well, from a distance I noticed two men jogging in my direction. One looked faintly like Mike Shula, the head coach of the University of Alabama's football team. To my surprise and shock, IT WAS. The girls who were walking quite a distance ahead of me couldn't believe it either. They stopped and turned their heads as he jogged past. We met eyes and with my eyes wide I lipped, "Oh my goodness!" I caught up with them and we giggled and gushed over the chance encounter we had with such a fine looking man as Mr. Shula.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Meaningful Quiz #7

Discover Your Past Life


Don't go bananas — in your former life you were a tiny monkey named Oompa. Here's what we know about you: Adorably sweet demeanor and sharp as a tack, you found success working with a street performer named Juan, who worshipped you and treated you like his own child. He bought you a gold satin jumpsuit with royal blue ruffles, a matching top hat, and a sequined bag for donations. He would play your favorite disco tunes on his accordion, prompting you to dance around and flirt with the crowd while you collected spare change and picked pockets. Everybody loved you. And you loved everybody. You and Juan took your gig around the country and raked in the riches. You were one happy little monkey.

Brought to you by Tickle

March Madness

I printed off my official 2005 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Bracket. Now, I have some research to do. But this year I actually know more about NCAA basketball.

1)I go to the University of Alabama (a NCAA school).

2) I work in a store that sells all kinds of Alabama collegiate clothes. We have a big screen TV that is always tuned into a sports station and I work with a bunch of guys.

Now, I just need to find a pool and put a few bucks in the pile.

Meaningful Quiz #6


Congratulations! Your score is in the 91st percentile. This means that if one hundred people took the test with you, your score would rank higher than 90 of them on average.When we analyzed your test, we also discovered that when it comes to linguistic-mathematical ability, you measure in the 100th percentile. This score indicates you have unusually strong abilities when it comes to understanding numerical representation in words or "word problems." You're highly proficient at translating words into numbers. This can be very useful when solving a problem in real life. When people are discussing a vague problem that needs a specific solution, you're able to cut through the extraneous information to a clear answer.

Brought to you by Tickle

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Meaningful Quiz #5

The Brain Test


Most left-brained people like you feel at ease in situations requiring verbal ability, attention to detail, and linear, analytical ability. Whether you know it or not, you are a much stronger written communicator than many, able to get your ideas across better than others. It's also likely that you are methodical and efficient at many things that you do. You could also be good at math, particularly algebra, which is based on very strict rules that make sense to your logical mind.

Brought to you by Tickle

College Retreat

The Cliff House


Passing the Torch: Discipleship & Leadership

Key Verse

"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit' " (Matthew 28:18-19)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Meaningful Quiz #4

The Passion Predictor

Guardian Angel
Chances are you've kicked around the idea of settling down on some shady lane with your honey and maybe even thought about having a kid or a couple of pets. Even if you've never cooked a pot roast or picked out fabric for curtains, we'll bet you've got solid nurturing instincts nestled within. That's why, when it comes to your partner, you're the Mother Teresa of romantic relationships. Doing little things like planning cool vacations and jotting a quick love note, tells your partner daily how much you care. This A+ quality not only makes you a compassionate lover, but also a trusted friend.Here's the rub: You're ready to give and give, but sometimes you might get resentful when your significant other doesn't return the favor. It can be difficult for you to let people fend for themselves, but try to focus on maintaining balance. Be sure to look out for number one, and try to indulge yourself as often as you indulge those you care about.

Brought to you by Tickle

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Baby Steps

I ran across this site when I typed in the word "calisthenics" into Google's search engine. This was prompted by many things. I am going to be in two weddings this summer and I would love to lose some weight before they say, "I do!" I also recognize that I am not at a healthy weight and I need to slowly incorporate better eating and activity habits into my life. This is the only way to make a lasting, life-long change in my health. Well, a couple weeks ago I stumbled on the How To Be A Hero website and I completed the quiz. Well, I am a warrior-in-training and in order to advance I have to earn that title. My first assignment is to slowly start incorporating exercise into my life. I have to record what my plans are, a week of implementing a program, discuss setbacks and achievements, and discover ways to make exercise a part of my daily life. I decided to start with calisthenics. They are simple and don't require a lot of time. Well, Google found exactly what I was looking for. Not only is the Humana Natura site full of useful and well-explained information, but it is wonderfully laid out. (But I don't agree with the section discussing our past.) I already talked to my friend and we are going to keep each other accountable in completing the Calisthenics Workout and how much we walk each day. They even have a handy-dandy poster with all the workouts. I am filled with hope.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I want to be classy.

Classy: highly stylish; elegant

Elegant: Characterized by or exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty of manner, form, or style.

Erin: picks her nose, farts, burps, eats fast, has stains on her clothes, doesn't wash her hands, wears clothes from off the floor, doesn't make her bed, doesn't pick up after herself, doesn't sit like a lady, overweight, talks loudly.

do they have a manual?

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Meaningful Quiz #3

The Window ShopperRandom Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLDf)
Loving, hopeful, open. Likely to carry on an romance from afar. You are The Window Shopper. You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a high-anxiety, but high-flying romantic life. You're a genuinely sweet person, not saccharine at all, so it's likely that the relationships you have had and will have will be happy ones. You've had a fair amount of love experience for your age, and there'll be much more to come. Part of why we know this is that, of all female types, you are the most prone to sudden, ferocious crushes. Your results indicate that you're especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Obviously, passion like this makes for an intense existence. It can also make for soul-destroying letdowns. Your ideal match is someone who'll love you back with equal fire, and someone you've grown to love slowly. A self-involved or pessimistic man is especially bad. Though you're drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs.
BEWARE: The Hornivore
CONSIDER: The Gentleman, The Loverboy

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Nursing Advising

I only have two lower division classes to take before I can apply for upper division. Last night, I worried about my chances of getting into the nursing school. In about an hour I am going to talk to my advisor. With my coffee stained shirt and mediocre GPA (3.0), what are my chances? I am going to apply to the local community college's ADN nursing program so I have something to fall back on if I don't get into the university's. But then I will be in school an extra year (a total of 6) in order to receive my BSN.
I went to the Cingular store to inquire about getting a new phone charger and I saw one of my old classmates from my anatomy class. Of course she looked incredible and was very put together and in nursing school. Here I was with my untied shoe, rolls hanging out, air-dried hair, and only a sliver of chance of getting into nursing school. I bet she doesn't sleep through her entire day of classes. She works 30 hours a week at Cingular, is training for a half marathon, and finishing up her first year of nursing school. Luckily I spilled the coffee on my shirt hours after I ran into her.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Meaningful Quiz #2

What Flavour Are You? Buzz buzz, I am Coffee flavoured.Buzz buzz, I am Coffee flavoured.

I am popular in the workplace, even though I am often bitter. I am energetic to the point of being frenetic; buzz buzz, out of my way. I tend to overwork myself and need periods of recovery time. What Flavour Are You?


I slept through all my classes (4). This was a conscious decision. I made it to chemistry tutoring and I am working on getting in my computer minutes for this week as I type. It felt like a good decision until I woke up and then regret and disappointment set in. My actions don't correspond to my goal of getting in nursing school and I am accountable to my counselor who will ask if I've skipped anymore classes.
At the moment I don't feel good. Before tutoring I took two Ritalin's instead of my usual one because it seems like just one isn't as effective anymore. Well, I am definitely feeling it. Doesn't feel too pleasant. It is pretty stuffy in this computer lab. Last night I ate some apple pie and when I woke up I had some ice cream with my lunch and I am meeting someone for dinner in an hour. Not good choices. Despite that I woke up at 11:30am, I am tired. I am thirsty and my mouth is dry. I am having pooping pains despite that I just went. There is something wrong with my contacts. I think I got makeup on them one day and despite a good scrubbing they are still blurry. My phone charger doesn't work so I can't use my cell phone. I still haven't found my keys.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Other important studies

While earning credits on Blog Explosion I came across California Hammonds blog. Immediately, I became engrossed in their story. For the last hour I perused Cheryl's battle with cancer. This is what blogging is -- life. This is what I strive for when I pour myself into my blog. My goal is to share my life with anyone who is willing to sit down and read it. I read a blog that mirrored my ideal purpose for a blogging. I became aquainted with a family who lives across the country from me. I was privaleged to take part in their story by reading their words and experiences and making them my own. Humans learn from humans. Instead of studying for my nutrition class, I studied life and its sweetness. This is why I blog.